AREA is an Innovative Start-Up that operates mainly in the ICT sector based on the process of valorization of the company’s human capital, adopts an “open source” organizational modelintegrating internal professional experiences with national and international networking of industry experts.

AREA operates in the following business areas: ICT, 3D Graphics, Engineering. Moreover, in a transversal way, it provides services related to training processes through the use of ICT technologies (Accredited for ECM training and for professional training).

AREA operates primarily in three strategic sectors: “ICT”, “3D Graphics” and “Engeenering” according to an organizational model that allows to integrate transversally the specialized skills and exploit the synergies in the different areas of business.

Within the Strategic Area “ICT”, AREA specializes in the design, design, promotion and implementation of initiatives that are located mainly in the following areas of intervention:

• Actions in favour of e-learning;

• Development of collaborative platforms;

• Open data;

• Decision Support System.

AREA has developed, also thanks to the collaboration with institutional partners and with local and international public authorities, a specific experience in the field of Social Innovation collaborating, inter alia, to international initiatives such as the URBAN N.O.S.E. Themathic Network of Social Enterprises project approved under the URBACT II transnational territorial cooperation programme (European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme URBACT II (CIC No 2007CB163PO048, ref: E/2007/2063-C2007_4454).

This project, which involved nine cities from seven European countries Italy, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, the United Kingdom and France, the main objective was the creation of a network of incubators of social enterprises, through a transnational platform aimed at:

• encourage the emergence of new social enterprises and support the development of existing ones;

• encourage consolidation of the social economy in cities by linking social entrepreneurship initiatives to local development;

• contributing to local development by promoting social integration;

• increase the specific skills of social economy operators in the creation, management and innovation of social enterprises;

• promote, among social enterprises, the development of a “community of practices” for the transfer of know-how.

AREA has co-designed the platform for the creation of a virtual incubator of social enterprises.

Within the Strategic Area “3D Graphics”, AREA is specialized in the realization of 3D Projects, through the representation of mathematical models of two-dimensional images in three-dimensional objects, this service is offered to public and private bodies, in particular, this business area develops and implements the following services:

• Professional architectural design and rendering;

• Development of rendering elaborates for prototyping;

• Industrial design and design;

As part of the Strategic Area “Engineering” AREA carries out study and consulting research in the field of installation of complex systems in the industrial, civil and energy sectors, with a particular focus on the sectors:

• Photovoltaic and Solar Thermodynamic;

• Biomass;

• Management and optimization of complex industrial processes.